Sunday, November 18, 2012

SPD - Sun Chart


Earth rotates about on a fixed plane that is tilted 23.5°

Averaged, the Earth will complete one rotation every 24hrs (based on a solar day) and thus moves at a rate of 15° per hour (one full rotation is 360°).

For northern hemisphere, the shortest solar day occurs around December 21 (winter solstice) and the longest solar day occurs around June 21 (summer solstice).

 time the earth takes to move around the sun is approximately 365 days. This path that the earth takes to revolve around the sun is called the elliptical path.

The angle between the earth- sun line and the earth"s equatorial plane is known as the angle of declination.

Searched for "sun path diagrams" and came up with this great site:

Look in the back of the MEEB book (Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

ARE Exam Study Links

This is a page I found on the ARE Forum that I thought is worth sharing. It contains links to information and study material relating to each exam. It looks to be very useful and comes highly recommended from other forum users. Enjoy!

Site Planning Exam Scheduled

I finally set a date for this exam. I submitted time off from my job to take the exam on December 4, so now I have to get moving.

Site Planning Book Update

I am about halfway through the book, Site Planning 3rd Ed by Lynch and Hack. I have only documented a summary on Chpt 1 though. I have been reading it off and on for two years now. I am going to continue reading more often now that I have set my Site Planning Exam date for one Month from now. I look forward to posting more summaries as this is how I seem to best retain information.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

ARE Exam Practice Software

The practice software does not install on an x64 operation system (Windows 7).
This post I found is the clearest instruction on how to handle that:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Exam Timeline

Just realized I only have one year to complete four exams until the 5 year rolling clock takes away my first one I took in May of 2008. 

Tentative exam order:
Site Planning and Design
Schematic Design
Programming Planning and Practice
Structural Systems

Started study for SPD yesterday. Downloaded the NCARB study guide and started reading the book I was partway through already, "Site Planning" 3rd Ed. by Kevin Lynch and Gary Hack. I will be posting notes from this book eventually.