Saturday, October 27, 2012

ARE Exam Study Links

This is a page I found on the ARE Forum that I thought is worth sharing. It contains links to information and study material relating to each exam. It looks to be very useful and comes highly recommended from other forum users. Enjoy!

Site Planning Exam Scheduled

I finally set a date for this exam. I submitted time off from my job to take the exam on December 4, so now I have to get moving.

Site Planning Book Update

I am about halfway through the book, Site Planning 3rd Ed by Lynch and Hack. I have only documented a summary on Chpt 1 though. I have been reading it off and on for two years now. I am going to continue reading more often now that I have set my Site Planning Exam date for one Month from now. I look forward to posting more summaries as this is how I seem to best retain information.