Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Structural Systems Vignette - Custom Alternate

Found this on the areforum.org ftp site under the building technology folder.
Posted for peer review on forum @ http://www.areforum.org/forums/showthread.php?307037-Custom-Alternate-Testing-Thursday&p=1444469#post1444469

Lower level

Upper Level

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Monday, March 04, 2013

Schematic Design Building Layout Sajjad Alt III

Room names aren't right, the file wasn't right so I used substitute rooms. Sajjad Alt III
Program pasted below.

From Ironwarriors ftp 

Alt III Program

The community library will house general and special collections.  Meeting areas for the public will also be available.

1.   The site is located adjacent to and to the south of a decorative arts museum.  Parking is provided off the site.

2.   The major view is to the South.

3.   The lending desk/office is to have visual control of the entry to each of the following spaces: the lobby, the workroom, and the children’s reading room.

4.   The main entrance door shall face New York Avenue.

5.   All spaces shall have a 9 ft ceiling height except the main reading room, which shall have an 18 ft ceiling height. 

6.   The area of each space shall be within 10% of the required program area.

7.   The total corridor area shall not exceed 25% of the total program area.

8.   The second floor envelope must be congruent with or wholly contained within the first floor envelope with the exception that doors to the exterior may be recessed for weather protection.
Program - Spaces
Tag        Name                                  Area   (ft²)      Requirements

ST          Stair                                     800                 2 per floor @ 200 ft² per stair

E            Elevator Shaft                    200                 1 per floor @ 100 ft² each
                                                                                    Minimum dimension = 7 ft

EE          Elevator Equipment Room          100    

EM         Electrical/Mechanical Room       500    

L             Lobby                                  350                 Main Entrance

LD          Lending Desk/Office        200    

MR         Main Reading Room        2,500              View--exterior window required
                                                                                    18 ft ceiling
                                                                                    2 exits
                                                                                    First floor

T             Toilet Rooms                      600                 2 per floor @ 150 ft² each

W           Workroom                           400                 Exterior windows prohibited
                                                                                    Direct access to Lending Desk/Office

S            Stacks                                 1,000              Exterior windows prohibited
                                                                                    Direct access to Main Reading Room

LM          Large Meeting Room        750                 Exterior window required
                                                                                    Second floor

SM         Small Meeting Room        350                 Exterior window required
                                                                                    Near Large Meeting Room

CR         Children's Reading Room          500     View--exterior window required
                                                                                    Near Main Reading Room

HO         Head Librarian's Office    200                 Exterior window required
                                                                                    Direct access to Secretarial Office

AO         Assistant Librarian's Office         150     Exterior window required
                                                                                    Direct access to Secretarial Office

SO         Secretarial Office              300                 Exterior window required
                                                                                    Near Large Meeting Room

SC         Special Collections          500                 First floor
                                                                                    Exterior window required

B            Break Room                       300                 Near Large Meeting Room

C            Custodial                            200                 2 @ 100 ft²

               TOTAL PROGRAM AREA         9,900  ft²

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Schematic Design - Interior Layout Alternate 04

Alternate 04 interior layout. A few minutes under an hour.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Schematic Design Dorf Alternate 1

Dorf 1st alternate. Took 3 hours and 20 minutes to complete. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Schematic Design: NCARB Building Layout

Update: See the following link for review comments: http://www.areforum.org/forums/showthread.php?301617-BL-first-timer-please-comment-thanks!

First pass at building layout practice exam. NCARB original program.
took 5 hours total to complete. I will be working on this one. Scheduled to take this March 7th, 1.5 weeks from now.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Schematic Design - Interior Layout (NCARB)

First pass at Interior Layout. This is program and layout that comes with the NCARB practice software.
Program and code review, notes and parti went quickly. Completed all room layouts except Reception in 52 minutes. Reception took an additional 42 minutes. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

PPP Site Zoning Vignette

First take on the NCARB practice vignette.