Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Study Update - Saturday 5/10

Saturday study for approximately 3 hours, restudied chapter 8 of Kaplan books, focus on bidding.
The night before I went through all of the missed questions to find my weak points and that was bidding.
I highly suggest this method for quick study, especially when you feel like you are not sure what to study next.
- Wrote list of CSI 16 divisions, wrote general contents of each division.
(Throughout the week, commited CSI 16 divisions to memory.)
- Focused on difference of what is included in construction documents, contract documents, bid documents, etc.
- Memorized what LEED stands for and six areas and founding group USGBC.
- learned conversions of yards to feet, square, cube, 1 acre = 4840 cu yd = 43560 cu ft
- architect liability proof = breach, cause, duty, damage
- Construction drawings sheet / consultant order

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