Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguisher types and selection is known required knowledge for the materials and method test. They are not discussed in the Kaplan books. I'm using a link I found on the AREForum website FTP. (pdf = extinguisher use...)

Chemistry of fire:
Oxygen + Fuel + Heat = Fire

Extinguishment theory, inhibit chemical chain reaction:
Remove heat, remove fuel, remove oxygen.

Eliminating any one of the above will extinguish the fire.
Fire Classifications
Class A = Wood, Paper, Plastic, Cloth

Class B = Flammable Liquids, Grease, Gas

Class C = Electrical

Class D = Combustible Metals

Four types of extinguishers, what each works for:
  • Water Extinguisher: Only Class A
  • CO2 Extinguisher: Only Class B, C, D
  • ABC Extinguisher: Only Class A, B, C, D
  • K Extinguisher: Only Class A, B

Typical Use for each Fire Extinguisher

Water =

  • Class A(wood, paper, cloth)
  • 30 - 40 foot range
  • Lasts 60 seconds

Co2 =

  • Class B (grease, oil, gas)
  • 3 - 8 foot range
  • Lasts 1 - 30 seconds
  • Cools or removes heat from the fire


  • Class A, B, C (dry chemical
  • 5 - 20 foot range
  • Lasts 10 - 20 seconds
  • Smothering effect on fire by removing oxygen

K =

  • Class B (cooking oils)
  • 8 - 15 foot range
  • Lasts 30 - 45 seconds
  • Cooling and smothering effect on fire.
  • think "K" for Kitchen

Typical fire extinguisher operation (P.A.S.S. Method):

  1. Pull the pin (unlocks the handle)
  2. Aim at base of the fire (aiming at top or middle will do no good)
  3. Squeeze the handle (releases pressurized extinguishing agent)
  4. Sweep side to side (covers entire area of fire)

Times not to use extinguisher

  • have wrong type of extinguisher for fire
  • too much smoke
  • fire more than 2 feet high or moving rapidly
  • be near an exit, never use without an available escape route

Water = Class A (wood, paper, Plastic, cloth)

Co2 = Class B, C & D (Flammable liquids, grease, gas, Electrical, Combustible Metals)

ABC = Class A, B, C & D (Wood, Paper, Plastic, Cloth, Flammable liquids, grease, gas, Electrical, Combustible Metals)

K = Class A, B (Wood, Paper, Plastic, Cloth, Flammable Liquids, Grease, Cooking oil, Gas)

6/25 12am-12:45am

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