Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Site Grading Dorf Solutions Summary

Description: test ability to interpret and modify site topography to conform to a given set of program requirements.

- Site elements may include parking areas, driveways, existing excavations, existing building structures, level OR sloped building pads, existing paved areas, sidewalks and the like.

- existing contours at 1’, 2’ or 5’ increments, probably 1’ intervals

- existing side streets at fixed elevations

- trees and/or other natural site features

- Understand site contours, slopes, swales, berms, crowns or ridges and how to manipulate contours is the main importance

- Check site plan first, learn what interval the contours are set at, this effects the distance needed to be maintained between them

- Use the sketch tools to measure distances between existing and modified contours

- Sketch center lines of proposed swales prior to manipulating existing grades

- A zoomed look at the site, note conditions and elevations of existing elements prior to manipulating contours

- Use sketch circles to represent req’d distances between contours to meet the program.

- PARKING LOTS: Drainage within a lot MUST be consistently handled with equal separation of contours to ensure a smooth flow of water to the sides or to a given point of collection.

- Swales may be used on the sides of the lot to direct the run-off

- Positive drainage from a level area requires the next lower contour to “surround” the entire level area.

- Use swales also to direct the water from there

- If a sloped surface is to remain sloped, do not change the contours in that area

- Water up slope of a given level paved area should not be allowed to flow onto that paved surface

- Note existing street grades, DO NOT ALTER

- DO NOT ALTER contours in tree drip lines

- Swales are indicated by contours “pointing” UP the general slope, lower numbered contour points up toward higher numbered grade contour

- Crowns “point” down the general slope, higher numbered grade contour points down toward lower numbered grade contour

- Grades must not be altered beyond the property lines shown on the existing site plan

Scoring issues
- draw max and min slope requirements accurately

- drainage is properly directed around features as programmed

- Do not disturb trees, stay clear of drip lines

- Don’t alter contours past prop line

- Existing street and site feature grades are noted but not altered

- Contours do not cross or split

- Crowns are shown to direct water off roads or parking lots, unless otherwise programmed

- Swales or crowns have been indicated correctly

- Contours are EVENLY spaced on surfaces requiring a uniform, constant slope

Notes taken while reading on 4/22/09 8:45-9:45pm 1-hr

Monday, April 20, 2009

Site Zoning Dorf Solutions Summary

Read and took notes on 4/20 between 9:45pm-11:15pm for 1.5 hours

- Tests the understanding of zoning and other setback restrictions in plan and in section.
- Task 1, You will receive a program, site plan, cross-sectional grid and be required to draw areas suitable for construction of buildings and areas suitable for surface improvements on two separate lots
- Task 2, Site section, draw existing grade profile and max. profile of the two buildings (above grade)

- profile of the existing grades
- location of the section cut line
- legal front yard, side yard, rear yard setbacks from existing property lines
- easements, view corridors, other restrictive building areas
- setbacks from natural features, tree lines, well points, existing buildings
- the delineation of suitable building areas, and
- the delineation of suitable surface improvement areas
- height restrictions
- solar-access planes
- restrictions on which grade elevations buildings can be placed

Site Analysis Recommendations
- Must be completed before attempting to delineate the profiles of the buildings.
o There is only one correct solution to this portion, be sure to follow program EXACTLY or will get downgraded or fail
o No subjective thinking options, just one answer
- Thoroughly review existing conditions noting ALL plan notes or dimensions
- Setbacks are measured perpendicular to given elements, even when curved
- Use sketch tools to show construction limits and setbacks
- 10’ grid tool is valuable, USE IT.
- Determine setbacks for irregular shapes with sketch circles
- Two tasks, show building allowable area of coverage, show surface improvement allowable area of coverage
- Do each task separately, use layers
- Typically, easements will be available for construction of surface improvements, but not always, READ PROGRAM
- Accuracy is a main ingredient of solution even though the software may prohibit
- Look for small areas that still may be within setbacks, they will count
- Use “ortho” tool whenever possible, it’s faster

Site Section Recommendations
- draw existing grade accurately
- sketch tools for various height or setback limitations on the grid
- be sure to accurately the bench mark elevation as it is important in location of other elevations
- use ortho
- only one solution, check for accuracy, then check again
- angled sun exposure lines or planes can be determined by using a sketch line and drawing it at an angle, draw line at correct angle using triangulation
- EXTREMELY important to take notes of the various restrictions, DO NOT TRY TO MEMORIZE, a single error will be fatal
- Building profiles required are all above grade, it will not be necessary to trace over the existing grade line

Scoring Issues
- setbacks and height limits are properly and accurately shown
- front yard, side yard and rear yard setbacks are measured from property lines
- buildable areas (both buildings and surface improvements) are MAXIMIZED
- easements are respected per program
- measurements are reasonably accurate
- grade line is drawn reasonably accurate
- Since there is only one correct solution to this problem, any deviations will be downgraded, or if serious will trigger a fail. Mistakes on the site plan portion of this vignette will cause profile errors

Task 1 approach (site plan)
turn on 10’ grid
sketch limits per grogram perpendicular from elements, circles may be helpful for curved or odd shapes

Task 2 approach (site section)
draw existing grade, check scale of grid, it MAY differ between horizontal and vertical
use sketch tool to drop points that correspond to grade elevations at cut line
connect the points with straight segments with the draw grade command
immediately enter draw grade command, use full cursor and click on the points as you go, this takes practice but may save some time
Draw all required lot line setbacks, easements, height restrictions, bench mark (ON BOTH SIDES OF SECTION), solar access planes, etc.
Take care in locating point where solar access plane initiates. It should be accurate, zoom in if necessary
outlining maximum volume of buildings should be straight forward after this point

Site analysis tips
- ‘surface improvements’ can occupy same area as the ‘building construction’ since they are on separate layers
- For speed make use of ortho 10’ grid and eyeballing 5’ setback increments
- Draw segmented lines for setbacks at curved elements, use sketch circles to help
- If more than one street, the program will indicate which is considered the ‘front’
- Buildings may be built over easements but generally only improvements will be allowed
- Keep within 1’ tolerance for showing setback restrictions
- Not required to leave both layers on before exiting vignette

Building profile tips
- area most likely will not be completely orthogonal, must show correctly, use sketch lines
- building outline starts and ends at a part of the grade, do not trace the grade too
- grade line does not need to show beyond the property line, but may help get a more accurate profile where it meets the property line
- use move / adjust tool to fix grade line if inaccurate, do not redraw
- use line sketch tool for sun exposure plane, stretch for more control and accuracy
- do not square off limits with an angle, draw them with the angle
- stay within 1-2 feet tolerance and 1 degree for angles
- use sketch circles as required for setbacks
- most time is dedicated to setting sketch elements for limits, drawing actual limit outlines and grade will take less time
- no need to hide sketch lines when leaving vignette

Site Planning Dorf Solutions Summary

Read and took notes on 3/19 between 4:15pm-6pm for 1.75 hours

- Three vignettes:
o Site Design – First section, 90 minutes then mandatory 15 minute break
o Site Zoning – Second section, 60 minutes
o Site Grading – Second section, 30 minutes
o You may not switch between vignettes in the first section but you may switch between the two vignettes in the second section as you wish

- Site design tests your understanding of general site planning principals, vehicular and pedestrian movement and safety, design logic, zoning and technical reqt’s to produce a cohesive and competent design. DON’T EXPECT TO ARRIVE AT A “BEAUTIFUL” SOLUTION WITHIN THE TIME LIMITS….. BUT YOU MUST MEET THE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS!
o You are given a program, a site plan and conceptual footprints for 2 or 3 buildings and other site elements such as sidewalks, roads, plazas, trees and parking.
o From these you must produce a schematic site plan.
o Parking with drive-through circulation is a part of this problem, includes ADA spaces.
o Considerations to take into account
§ Easements, utilities, rights of way
§ Building limit lines
§ Trees, vegetation, rock outcroppings, wetlands, water & setbacks
§ Winter (or Summer) prevailing winds
§ Adjacent residential (quiet areas), academic and/or commercial uses.
§ Views
§ Setbacks from site elements
§ Primary and/or secondary road systems
§ Existing structures
§ Sun angles
§ Shadows from existing, or new, site elements
§ Curb cut(s)
§ Service drive(s)
§ Passenger drop-off
§ Pedestrian circulation
§ Vehicular / pedestrian conflicts
§ Special relationships between new elements or existing conditions

o Recommendations
§ Zoom in on existing site plan provided, verify notes, critical dimensions, site features and the nature of surrounding properties and streets
§ Use sketch tool to draw setbacks or other restrictions
§ Place all new programmed elements on screen to gain a sense of scale.
§ Let the program and site constraints “work” for you; follow the program exactly’ take “advantage” of the site restrictions, views, wind direction, solar needs, and so forth. There is no one correct answer on this vignette, many ways to solve, don’t fight the program, don’t try to be a great designer.
§ Use appropriate trees for blocking views and winds (conifers/evergreens), or for shading (deciduous/broad leaf/ seasonal).
§ Keep solution efficient, obvious and cost effective.
· Separate “service” drives from the parking lot access immediately.
· Design a simple, safe roadway system; don’t abuse the site with unnecessary roads, i.e. Save grass
· Keep noisy service trucks away from quiet residential areas if possible.
· Design parking lots with double loaded perpendicular parking to keep size to a minimum
· Design an obvious and simple pedestrian walkway system from existing sidewalks or between building elements
· If an element requires sun at NOON, then it must face SOUTH. Be direct if site conditions permit.

o Scoring issues
§ ALL program required elements are shown
§ Sizes of elements meet program requirements (within tolerances)
§ Relationships between elements reflect program needs
§ Programmed views or screens are provided effectively
§ Setbacks, easements and building limit lines are respected
§ Entrances to buildings are oriented properly
§ No more trees are removed than permitted by the Program
§ Accurately reflect sun or shading requirements
§ Effectively block prevailing winds where necessary

o Code
§ Parking, drives, buildings or building expansion do not infringe upon or overlap any legal easements or setbacks
§ Site improvements are not located on sloped areas, or where otherwise prohibited from construction

o Design logic
§ Programmed adjacencies are met (building to building, parking to entrances, service to service entry, etc.)
§ Entrances are viewed (or blocked) per program.
§ Programmed elements do not overlap
§ Vehicular circulation system is efficient and safe
§ Pedestrian walkways are accurately provided between elements
§ Safe pedestrian circulation
§ Curb cuts logically located
§ Efficient parking (double-load) when possible, safe, and drawn to an appropriate size and configuration. Avoid dead-end parking, allow for drive-through circulation
§ Only 90d parking indicated
§ Access to parking is not blocked by service vehicles
§ Handicapped spaces are located closest to entry and do not require crossing traffic aisles to reach entries
§ Use enough trees to solve the program issues, not too many

o General Site Planning tips
§ Conifer trees block wind and views; avoid placing in front of required views.
§ Deciduous trees do not block wind or views, use for shading only
§ Do not over plant, use new trees only to meet program requirements
§ All new elements “kill” existing trees including sidewalks
§ Use a double row of conifers to block wind only when perpendicular to the wind direction
§ Service drive should be at least 20 feet long
§ No elements may violate setbacks, not even sidewalks
§ Use tree profiles in program to determine sun angle and shading
§ Trees may be planted in plaza if needed to meet program
§ The words “close to” and “near” should be considered within 10%-20% of site dimension
§ Avoid violating easements
§ Conifers blocking wind of a specific element should be placed near rather than farther away
§ Stay within 5% - 10% for square footage requirements
§ Only plant tees required for program, not to enhance design.
§ Minimize roads and walkways
§ Even avoid new trees in setback areas
§ Plaza shape is not rigid, just meet the SF requirements and all others

o General Parking tips
§ Do not provide walks from parking to the street unless specifically required.
§ Walks not required around parking lot, only at Handicap spaces.
§ Locate Handicap spaces closest to entrances
§ Locate handicap spaces adjacent to walkway and DO NOT cross driveways
§ Drive through circulation means loop, no dead ends
§ Measure 90d angle requirement at existing road by “eye” but don’t be sloppy.
§ Adjusting new access roads is difficult in the software, try
· Drawing roads in several separate segments
· Use sketch circles to locate centerlines of required road locations
§ Roads kill trees, avoid drip lines
§ Single loaded parking is permitted but avoid due to inefficiency
§ Only 90d parking spaces are acceptable, no angled or parallel
§ If drop off required, road does not need to be widened, but note that they are provided that passengers are dropped off onto curb
§ Again, no dead end parking is permitted
§ Service trucks may NOT use parking lot to gain access to service entry!! Parking lot is for passenger vehicles only
§ Being short or providing 1 or 2 more stalls most likely will not receive a fail
§ Follow program for curb cuts, usually only one per program

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Site Planning Exam - Dorf Notes

Ok, here's my first post for site planning.

Site Design
- Practice, Practice Practice, especially drawing roads.
- Stay away from easements
- Look for wind locations
- Verify direction of North arrow
- Stay within building limit lines
- Don't guess program requirements, always verify and make shorthand notes
- Place objects on screen to get a sense of scale
- 30-33 car req't is typical
- analyze parking, 120x120 or 150x100
o get a sense of scale
- try to stay away from diagonals
o Be efficient in numbner of trees
o Possible downgrade if too many trees are used
o Use them to serve a function
- Plant deciduous trees to shade the sun
- Locate ADA to access sidewalks immediately
- Plant trees on the plaza if there is a question that requires the plaza to be in shade at NOON

Site Zoning
- two primary tasks
o where can i build a building
o where can i do surface improvements
- read carefully and take notes - sometimes wording is difficult
- sun exposure plane will be on test
- take notes - save time from going back and forth to program
- there is only one correct solution

Site Grading Vignette
- be alert to scope on site
- good chance only dealing with swales
- must know how to manipulate grades
o swales point up hill
o crowns point down hill
- stay away from dirp line of trees
- look out if the problem involves a new object with a set elevation
o will require wrap around swales
- slopes / grading - common:
o 5% 1:20 1 foot rise to 20 feet of run
o 10% 1:10 1 foot rise to 10 feet of run
o 20% 1:5 1 foot rise to 5 feet of run
o 25% 1:4 1 foot rise to 4 feet of run

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Still Stalling

Haven't started Site Planning study & note taking yet...

Monday, April 06, 2009

Study Site Planning Tonight

I'll be reviewing Dorf notes and updating Site Planning info on the blog tonight.