Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Site Grading Dorf Solutions Summary

Description: test ability to interpret and modify site topography to conform to a given set of program requirements.

- Site elements may include parking areas, driveways, existing excavations, existing building structures, level OR sloped building pads, existing paved areas, sidewalks and the like.

- existing contours at 1’, 2’ or 5’ increments, probably 1’ intervals

- existing side streets at fixed elevations

- trees and/or other natural site features

- Understand site contours, slopes, swales, berms, crowns or ridges and how to manipulate contours is the main importance

- Check site plan first, learn what interval the contours are set at, this effects the distance needed to be maintained between them

- Use the sketch tools to measure distances between existing and modified contours

- Sketch center lines of proposed swales prior to manipulating existing grades

- A zoomed look at the site, note conditions and elevations of existing elements prior to manipulating contours

- Use sketch circles to represent req’d distances between contours to meet the program.

- PARKING LOTS: Drainage within a lot MUST be consistently handled with equal separation of contours to ensure a smooth flow of water to the sides or to a given point of collection.

- Swales may be used on the sides of the lot to direct the run-off

- Positive drainage from a level area requires the next lower contour to “surround” the entire level area.

- Use swales also to direct the water from there

- If a sloped surface is to remain sloped, do not change the contours in that area

- Water up slope of a given level paved area should not be allowed to flow onto that paved surface

- Note existing street grades, DO NOT ALTER

- DO NOT ALTER contours in tree drip lines

- Swales are indicated by contours “pointing” UP the general slope, lower numbered contour points up toward higher numbered grade contour

- Crowns “point” down the general slope, higher numbered grade contour points down toward lower numbered grade contour

- Grades must not be altered beyond the property lines shown on the existing site plan

Scoring issues
- draw max and min slope requirements accurately

- drainage is properly directed around features as programmed

- Do not disturb trees, stay clear of drip lines

- Don’t alter contours past prop line

- Existing street and site feature grades are noted but not altered

- Contours do not cross or split

- Crowns are shown to direct water off roads or parking lots, unless otherwise programmed

- Swales or crowns have been indicated correctly

- Contours are EVENLY spaced on surfaces requiring a uniform, constant slope

Notes taken while reading on 4/22/09 8:45-9:45pm 1-hr

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