Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Site Planning Exam - Dorf Notes

Ok, here's my first post for site planning.

Site Design
- Practice, Practice Practice, especially drawing roads.
- Stay away from easements
- Look for wind locations
- Verify direction of North arrow
- Stay within building limit lines
- Don't guess program requirements, always verify and make shorthand notes
- Place objects on screen to get a sense of scale
- 30-33 car req't is typical
- analyze parking, 120x120 or 150x100
o get a sense of scale
- try to stay away from diagonals
o Be efficient in numbner of trees
o Possible downgrade if too many trees are used
o Use them to serve a function
- Plant deciduous trees to shade the sun
- Locate ADA to access sidewalks immediately
- Plant trees on the plaza if there is a question that requires the plaza to be in shade at NOON

Site Zoning
- two primary tasks
o where can i build a building
o where can i do surface improvements
- read carefully and take notes - sometimes wording is difficult
- sun exposure plane will be on test
- take notes - save time from going back and forth to program
- there is only one correct solution

Site Grading Vignette
- be alert to scope on site
- good chance only dealing with swales
- must know how to manipulate grades
o swales point up hill
o crowns point down hill
- stay away from dirp line of trees
- look out if the problem involves a new object with a set elevation
o will require wrap around swales
- slopes / grading - common:
o 5% 1:20 1 foot rise to 20 feet of run
o 10% 1:10 1 foot rise to 10 feet of run
o 20% 1:5 1 foot rise to 5 feet of run
o 25% 1:4 1 foot rise to 4 feet of run

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