Monday, May 18, 2009

Mech/Elec ALS Lesson Seven - Water Supply And Drainage Systems: Water Pressure - Lift & Friction

Water pressure

Water pressure - Lift
To supply  proper flow rate to upper stories, water must be lifted which requires pressure.
psi = pounds per square inch
static head = inches or feet of water that can be supported by a given pressure

one psi can lift a column of water 2.3 feet high, e.g., 10 psi can lift water 23 feet
additional pressure is needed to operate the fixtures at the highest level.

Calc example:
8 story building
14 foot floor to floor height
toilet requires 15 psi to flush

total lift = 8 stories X 14 feet per story = 112 feet

if 2.3 feet is equivalent to 1 psi, 112 feet is equivalent to 112/2.3 = 48.7 psi

Required water pressure
= 48.7 psi for lift + 15 psi for flush
= 63.7 psi

If water pressure from street is less than total required then other mechanical methods must be used to acheive proper pressure( this will be addressed shortly)

1 psi = 2.3 lift feet
.433 psi = 1 lift feet

faucet = 

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