Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mech/Elec ALS Lesson Three - Mechanical Equipment and Energy Codes: Plant Types - Heat Pump

Ching Viz Dictionary of Architecture
Heat pump:
A device that uses a compressible refrigerant to transfer heat form one reservoir to another, with the process being reversible so that it can be used for both heating and cooling a building.

Running system in reverse brings heat from outside into the building.
the refrigeration cycle moves heat around

1 Btu of energy can move 2-4 Btu's.
Normal boilers run at about 80% effeciency

Efficiency = energy delivered / energy used

Coefficient of performance (COP) = energy delivered / energy used
vary between 2 and 3, typ. being 2.3
compressor placed in building is beneficial, then friction heat can be a heat gain

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