Monday, June 22, 2009

Acoustics from ALS Chapter Six

from ALS Chapter Six

Velocity of sound through air depends on the barometric pressure and altitude.
sound can be transmitted through water.

Sound frequency = (the pitch) is the number of cycles per second (cps), more commonly known as Herz thus 60 cps = 60 Hz

Square wave = sounds much like a buzzer or even an outboard motor

Acoustics uses logarithmic scales

Sound Intensity level = the decibel

Sound power level = measures the power at the source in watts/cm(squared)

Sound pressure level = pressure exerted by the sound wave on a surface at a given location.

IL and SPL have the same value.

two sound sources at 60 dB total IL of 63 dB not 120

Double distance from a sound source to receiver cuts the intensity to one quarter, change in only 6 dB

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