Friday, June 19, 2009

MEEB: Vertical Transportation: Escalator Fire Protection and Lighting

MEEB: Vertical Transportation: Escalator Fire Protection and Lighting

Fire Protection
Four methods: rolling shutter, smoke guard, spray nozzle curtain and sprinkler vent
One of which is required by code when more than two floors are pierced.

Fire shutter = a horizontal rolling metal shutter that prevents draft and spread of fire upward through escalator wells, activated by temp. and smoke detectors

Smoke guard = fireproof baffles surrounding the wellway extending downward about 20 inches from the ceiling. Standard sprinkler heads release a curtain of water
vertical shields between adjacent sprinklers ensure that spray from one will not cool the nearby thermal fuses preventing them to open.

Spray nozzle curtain of water = similar to smoke guard, closely spaced high velocity water nozzles form a compact water curtain to prevent smoke and flames from rising through the wellways.
Automatic thermal or smoke relays open all nozzles simultaneously.

Sprinkler vent = Fresh air intake housed on the roof contains a blower to drive air downward through the escalator floor openings while exhaust fan on the roof creates a strong draft upward through an exhaust duct.
this duct draws air from the separate ducts just under the ceiling of each moving stairway floor opening drawing the smoke out through an automatic damper.
spray nozzles are also located at ceiling near stairways.

special emphasis on lighting the comb plate.
See other lighting notes in general requirements post.

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