Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mech/Elec ALS Lesson Two - Comfort, Climate and Solar Design: Overhangs, Skylights & Fins

Protect south facing windows with an overhang allowing low winter sun to pass under and blocking high summer sun.

Overhang Placement = calculate to admit winter sun and block summer sun, methods: placing higher up wall above window increasing projection proportionally OR tilting it to match incoming winter ALT angle.

profile angle = angle of the shadow line, coincides exactly with the altitude (ALT) angle (when sun directly faces the wall (perp. Azimuth)). Other times of day: it is determined by interrelationship of azimuth and altitude angle.

Temperate and Hot climates should not have very much glass on east or west facades. Especially the west when outside temp. is the highest in afternoon.

Horizontal glass(skylights) should be minimized as well. Clerestories, lanterns or sawtooth roofs should be used instead of skylights. Cold climate = sawtooth face south, warm climate = sawtooth face north

Vertical fins = good for glass at east and west facades, point slightly south to allow winter sun in and block summer sun better

time: 0.5, 5:00-5:30pm 6/14/09

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