Saturday, June 20, 2009

MEEB: Hot Water Boilers

MEEB: Hot Water Boilers

System Components: A fuel, a heat source, a "mover (fan or pump), a distribution system, a heat exchanger or terminal within the space and a control system

Rated according to heating capacity by several different categories

Heating capacity = rate of useful heat output with the boiler operating under steady-state conditions
- expressed in Mbh (1000 btu/h)
- AFUE = Annual fuel utilization efficiency is 100% minus the losses up the stack during both the on and off cycles and losses due to infiltration of outdoor air to replace the air used for combustion adn draft control.
- net I = B = R rating is b\published by the Hydronics Institute Division of GAMA

Boiler selection based on matching the calculated heat loss of the structure to be heated.

- Oil fired steel boiler
- Gas fired cast iron hot water boiler
- Oil fired, cast iron hot water boiler.

1 comment:

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