Monday, June 22, 2009

Lighting Fundamentals: Design Considerations

Lighting Fundamentals: Design Considerations
from Ch. 18 MEEB 9th ed.

Lighting Design Considerations
Quantitative lighting design considerations:
1. Daylight - its introduction and integration with electric light.
2. The interrelationship between the enregy aspect of electric and natural lighting, heating, and cooling.
3. The effect of lighting on interior space arrangement and vice versa.
4. The characteristics, means of generation, and utilization techniques of electric lighting.
5. Visual needs of specific occupants and of specific tasks.
6. The effects of brightness patterns on visual acuity.

Qualitative lighting design considerations:
7. The location, interrelationship, and psychological effects of light and shadow, that is, brightness patterns.
8. The use of color, both of light and of surfaces, and the effect of illumanant source on object color and sometimes the reverse.
9. The artistic effects possible with patterns of light and shadow including the changes inherent in daylighting, and so on.
10. Physiological and psychological effects of the lighting design, particularly in spaces occupied for extended periods.

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