Friday, June 19, 2009

MEEB: Moving Walks and Ramps

MEEB: Moving Walks and Ramps

Moving horizontal, or horizontal and vertical transportation
Moving walk = Level or Incline not exceeding 5 degrees
Moving ramp = Incline up to but not exceeding 15 degrees
Both are physically the same type of machine (similar components to escalators)

Moving walks (aka Autowalks)
Principal uses:
1. eliminated and/or accelerate burdensome walking
2. eliminate congestion
3. force movement
4. easily transport large, bulky objects

- Common in airports, due to long distances and heavy luggage
- Store parking can be further way with their implementation
- avoiding congestion is key requirement for their use

Moving Ramps
Principal uses:
1. Move persons and wheeled vehicles vertically
2. move persons who lack agility required to use an escalator
3. vertically move large bulky objects

- used in multilevel stores where escalators are not feasible for shopping cart users

For both types, all components are same as escalator with the exception of a flattend pallet in place of a step.

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